Irish taxpayers may be due refunds! Revenue reports €400 million overpaid in 2024, urging users to check via myAccount for potential returns.
Over €400 million in refunds went out in January. The average refund was about €900. Revenue says €389 million more may be overpaid. This happened during 2024, they report.
Taxpayers should check their 2024 earnings. Use Revenue’s myAccount service for this check. Find myAccount on Revenue’s website. You can also use a verified MyGovID account. A Revenue spokesperson wants everyone to check. They encourage taxpayers to finalize taxes soon.
You have four years to claim extra refunds. Check your taxes for 2021, 2022, and 2023 too. If Revenue owes you, they will refund you quickly. The money goes straight to your bank account.
If you owe money, Revenue offers payment options. MyAccount is easy, free, and always available. About 12% of 2024 returns showed underpayment.
That is almost 66,000 tax returns this year. File a return to claim all credits and reliefs. Ensure you receive any refund you deserve. Revenue provides guidance on their website. They offer videos on how to submit tax returns. The website also lists all available tax credits.