Met Eireann Reveals Date for Return of Subzero Temperatures as Storms Approach

Met Eireann warns of freezing temperatures next week as storms gather in the Atlantic, with lows expected to hit -2 degrees

Met Eireann Reveals Date for Return of Subzero Temperatures as Storms Approach
Met Eireann Reveals Date for Return of Subzero Temperatures as Storms Approach

Donegal: So, it looks like we might be in for some wild weather soon. Met Eireann is saying that freezing temperatures are on the way. They expect it to drop to around -2 degrees next week.

Right now, we’ve been enjoying some milder days, but that’s about to change. The Donegal Weather Channel has pinpointed next Friday, January 24th, as the day to watch. They think cold air from the USA will kick off some serious storms.

They’re warning us to keep an eye on the weather. It could get pretty rough with strong winds and maybe even some snow. But, it’s still a bit uncertain how it will all play out.

Alan O’Reilly from Carlow Weather mentioned that a “conveyor belt” of storms is likely to start up later next week. He’s hoping we don’t get hit directly by any of them.

James Peacock, a meteorologist, shared some forecasts. He said there’s a good chance of a windstorm affecting the UK and Ireland around January 25th. It’s all a bit up in the air right now.

For the start of the week, Met Eireann says we’ll see some rain, but mostly dry weather. However, it’s going to get colder starting Tuesday night. By Thursday, we can expect more unsettled conditions.

So, keep your jackets handy! It looks like we’re in for a chilly spell soon.

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