Many folks might not know they can get nearly €1,000 monthly. Here’s what you need to know about the Short-Term Enterprise Allowance.
The Short-Term Enterprise Allowance (STEA) can last up to nine months. If you qualify, you could get about €244 weekly while working on your venture.
To apply, you need to be getting Jobseeker’s Benefit or be entitled to it. Before you start self-employment, you’ll need a written recommendation from your Employment Personal Adviser.
Keep in mind, seasonal or part-time self-employment doesn’t count for STEA. If your self-employment ends, let the department know right away.
If you become unemployed after your STEA ends, you won’t automatically qualify for Jobseeker’s Benefit again. But you can apply for Jobseeker’s Allowance, which is based on your means.
You can keep any extra benefits you had with your Jobseeker’s payments, like a medical card or school clothing allowance, as long as you meet the conditions.
Besides the weekly payment, you can also get help with starting your business through the Enterprise Support Grant (ESG). But you need to be approved for either the Back to Work Enterprise Allowance or the STEA to qualify for this.
When you apply for the ESG, your business plan must show why you need the financial support. The ESG is paid based on your STEA duration, with a max of €1,000 for nine months and €625 for six months.
To apply for the STEA, fill out the PDF form STEA 1. Send it to your local Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Branch Office.
Your Case Officer will review your business proposal and may discuss it with the Enterprise Officer in your Local Development Company. Don’t start self-employment until you get written approval from the Department of Social Protection.
If you’re accepted for the STEA, make sure to register as self-employed with the Revenue Commissioners. You can find more info on self-employment from them.